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3.1- Resource Mobilization for Research

3.1.1. Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects, endowments, Chairs in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

  • Declaration by Director authenticating Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects along with e-copies of the grant award letters /communications for research projects  attested / authenticated by Director & IQAC are available on following ink: (Appendix-I)
  • Income highlighted in the annual income/expenditure account sheet for the FY where grant is received with signatures of the CA and the principal is also attached. (Appendix-II)

3.1.3. Percentage of departments having Research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during the last five years.

  • Declaration by Director on departments having Research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during the last five years available on following link:(Appendix I)
  • e-copies of the grant award letters for research projects  attested / authenticated by Director & IQAC are available on following ink: (Appendix-II)
  • Income highlighted in the annual income/expenditure account sheet for the FY where grant is received with signatures of the CA and the Director are available on the following link: (Appendix-III)