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4.2 Library as a learning Resource

4.2.1. Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System

  • Geotag Photographs of Libraries. (Appendix-I)
  • Integrated Library Management System. (Appendix-II)
  • Digital Library. (Appendix-III)

  • List of Books and Journals. (Appendix-IV)

4.2.2. The institution has subscription for the following e-resources

  • List of subscriptions authenticated by Director and IQAC is available on the following link: (Appendix-I)

  • e-copies of subscription letter / membership letter /  Screenshots of  subscriptions / other documents are attached as per above list (Appendix-II)

4.2.3. Average annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

  • Letter of declaration from CA , authenticated by Manager Accounts and Director. (Appendix-I)

  • Abstract of budget highlighting fund allocation towards  purchase of books and journals during last five years duly signed by Manager Accounts, C.A and Director (Appendix-II)

  • Audit Reports by chartered accountant for 5 assessment Years, year wise, highlighting expenses towards purchase of books/ subscription / other library expenses are available on link: (Appendix-III)

  • Log book entries of Library users on these five days. (Appendix-I)