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3.5 Collaboration

3.5.1. Number of Collaborative activities for  research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship per year

  • List of  Collaborative activities in the 5 assessment years Authenticated by  the director & IQAC are available on the following link (. (Appendix-I)
  • e-copies of  Collaborative activities related documents like communication (mail) , permission, consent, thank you mail / letter with agency , communication with students along with list of the students , as per above list Authenticated by  the director & IQAC are available on the following link (. (Appendix-II)

3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the last five years

  • List of all the MOUs in the 5 assessment years functional authenticated by director on letter head are available on following link:. (Appendix-I)
  • e-copies of the MoU’s with institution / industry / corporate house as per above list is attached. (Appendix-II)
  • List the actual  activities under each MoU  (Appendix-III)