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The Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences

IIT-Bombay Spoken Tutorial

Free for 10+2, B.Tech and MBA Students, IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial Certification.

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  3. Account Creation on Spoken Tutorial IIT-B Portal
  4. Online Exam
  5. Download Certificate

Spoken Tutorial Software Series

No.Course NameCertificate CriteriaApplication
1Basic IT Skills package 

Learn how to use

  • The Linux operating system
  • LibreOffice Suite – for basic Office applications and
  • Firefox web browser – to browse the internet safely

This package is useful to all who wish to learn basic IT skills. Absolute must for beginners.

2Applications of GeoGebraCertificateApplications of GeoGebra Interactive Geometry, Algebra and Calculus application for UG/PG students (12th standard and above) as well as Research Scholars.

Arduino is open ­source hardware, software and micro-controller based kit. It is used for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control physical devices.

Useful for High School and UG/PG Electronics students, hardware professional.

4AscendTraining only, No certificates

ASCEND is a free, open source, mathematical modelling system.

Its main uses have been in the field of chemical process modelling, with its novel modelling language conventions and powerful solver.
Useful for UG/PG Chemical Engg and Chemistry students.


Avogadro is a free and open source, advanced molecule editor and visualizer designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, bioinformatics, etc. It offers flexible high quality rendering.

Useful for UG/PG Chemistry and Bioinformatics students.


Bash is a “Unix shell” command-line interface for interacting with the operating system. Bash has the ability to run an entire script of commands, known as a “Bash Shell script” or “Shell script”.

Familiarity with GNU/Linux command lines, and familiarity with basic programming concepts is a pre-requisite for learning BASH.
Polytechnic/UG/PG computer hardware students and system administrators will greatly benefit by learning to automate common tasks using BASH.


Biopython is a collection of Python tools for computational biology and bioinformatics. Biopython contains modules and classes to represent protein sequences, nucleic acid sequences and sequence annotations.

Useful for UG/PG Bioinformatics students.


Open source equivalent to Maya and 3DMax. Useful to create 3D Animation for Architecture & Animation students.

Can be used by UG/PG Civil Engineering students, also.

9C and C++ Certificate

Powerful features, simple syntax, and portability make C a preferred language among programmers, for business and industrial applications. Widely used in the development of operating systems.

Useful for High School and UG/PG CSE/CS/IT students and anyone who wishes to learning basic programming.

10Advanced CTraining only, No certificates

For Advanced C series, learner should necessarily go through C and C++ series beforehand.

Useful for High School and UG/PG CSE/CS/IT students and anyone who wishes to learning advanced programming.

11Advanced C++ Certificate

For Advanced C++ series, learner should necessarily go through C and C++ series beforehand.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/CS/IT students and anyone who wishes to learning advanced programming.


CellDesigner is a process diagram editor for drawing gene-regulatory and biochemical networks. CellDesigner is used for user-friendly visualization Modeling and Simulation of genetic regulatory networks, Protein networks and metabolic networks.

Useful for UG/PG Bio-Chemistry students.

13Chemcollective Virtual LabsCertificate

ChemCollective Virtual Labs is a simulation of a chemistry laboratory. It allows students to explore and reinforce fundamental concepts, select various standard reagents (aqueous) and use them as they use in a real laboratory.

Useful for Chemistry students from 9th standard onwards.


Drupal is a free and open source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Useful for website-building and web applications.

Useful for web developers, website administrators, and UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students who wish to learn website management.


DWSIM is an open-source CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator. It allows us to conduct experiments and analyze data using advanced models and operations.

Useful for UG/PG Chemical Engineering students to run the simulations and get a better understanding on a phenomenon.


eSim (previously known as Oscad / FreeEDA) is an open source EDA tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design. It is an integrated tool built using open source software such as KiCad ( and Ngspice (

Useful for UG/PG Electrical Engg/Electronics students.


ExpEYES stands for Experiments for Young Engineers and Scientists. It is used to perform basic Physics and Electronics experiments.

ExpEYES junior can be used from secondary to graduate level and also in some engineering branches.

18FirefoxTraining only, No certificates

Free, open source and popular web browser. Allows you to view Internet web pages, navigate through web pages, and search for web pages using search engines such as Google, Yahoo Search or Bing.

Anyone who wishes to learn web browsing.


Free, open source business accounting software (having features similar to Tally).

Useful for UG/PG Commerce students.


GChemPaint allows you to draw and display 2D chemical structures. Very useful to teach and learn abstract chemistry concepts.

This application is useful for school students (9th standard and above) as well as school teachers.
Works only on Linux

21GeoGebra 5.04Certificate

Interactive Geometry, Algebra and Calculus application. Very useful to teach and learn abstract geometry concepts.

Useful for school students (7th standard and above) as well as school teachers.

22gedit Text EditorCertificate

gedit Text Editor is a powerful general purpose text editor. It is free and open source software. It is simple and ease of use with simple GUI.

Useful for everyone who wish to learn to use a text editor in Linux.
Works only on Linux


Graphics art and design software application for the editing and creation of original images, icons, graphical elements of web pages and art for user interface elements. Useful for all graphic related work. Open source equivalent of Photoshop.

Useful for High School and UG/PG students who wish to learn photoediting and create graphics.


Git is a distributed version control software. It is a free and open source software. It keeps track of changes made to a file or set of files. It helps in tracking the project progress history.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students, working professionals


HTML elements form the building blocks of all websites. HTML allows embedding of images and objects and is extensively used to create interactive forms and webpages.

Useful for High School and UG/PG students, working professionals – Multi-disciplinary


Graphics art and design software application for the editing and creation of original images, icons, graphical elements of web pages and art for user interface elements. Useful for all graphic related work. Open source equivalent of CorelDraw and Illustrator.

Useful for High School and UG/PG students who wish to learn desktop publishing work – creating banners, posters, brochures, CD cover image, artwork for textiles, etc.

27Introduction to ComputersCertificate

Absolute basic tutorials on parts of a computer, connecting the parts using cables, printer configuration, creating a gmail account, sending and receiving mails and using the Google Drive.

Useful for first-time computer users of any age group.

28Java and Netbeans

(Java) Certificate

(Netbeans) Test In Progress

Learn to use Java

  • Free and open source, high level, simple as well as object-oriented programming language. Included in the curriculum of schools and colleges offering Computer Science and IT subjects.

Learn to use Netbeans IDE

  • NetBeans IDE is an open-source integrated development environment. NetBeans IDE supports development of all Java application types (Java SE including JavaFX, (Java ME, web, EJB and mobile applications)
  • With Netbeans IDE, one can quickly and easily develop desktop, mobile and web applications with Java, HTML5, PHP, C/C++ and more.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students
We recommend that Java series be followed with Netbeans series.

29Java Business ApplicationCertificate

Learn how to create a business application from scratch.

For Java Business Application series, learner should necessarily go through Java and Netbeans series beforehand.
Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students and working professionals.


Learn how to a Content Management System for building websites, webpages, etc.

Useful for web developers, website administrators, and UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students who wish to learn website management.

31Jmol ApplicationCertificate

Learn how to create 3D chemical, crystal and biomolecules structures. Very useful to teach and learn abstract chemistry concepts.

This application is useful for school students (9th standard upto Post Graduation level) as well as school teachers.

32Koha Library Management SystemTraining only, No certificates

Learn how to create a library, a librarian, add books, journals, and other library items, Marc framework, order a book, cataloging, circulation, add subscription, serial subscription, receive serials, OPAC search, access library on web, cataloging using Z39.50, manage budgets and funds, convert Excel data to MARC, import MARC in Koha.

Koha is useful for Library Science students and Library Staff who wish to create a Koha library for their institute.


An educational programming environment which helps in learning how to build logic and how to program, in an easy manner. Some of its features are: intuitive syntax highlighting, simple error messages, integrated canvas to make drawings on, integrated help function, slow-motion or step execution, and more.

Recommended for all who would like to learn programming logic.
Useful for school students (7th standard and above)

34LaTeX & XFig

(LaTeX) Certificate

(XFig) Certificate

LaTeX is a typesetting software for preparing reports, letters and presentations – specially useful for persons engaged in writing/ publishing documents from science/ arts/ commerce fields.

Xfig is a free and open source vector graphics editor. In Xfig, figures may be drawn using objects such as circles, boxes, lines, spline curves, text, etc. … and used in LaTeX and other documents.
Useful for UG/PG students, faculty and research scholars.

35LibreOffice SuiteCertificate

Trains in basic computer usage skills like Word processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation using the LibreOffice components Writer, Calc and Impress. One can also learn other useful components like Draw, Math and Base in this series.

Useful for school students (7th standard and above), anyone who wishes to learn to use an OFFICE suite.


Linux & Ubuntu

BOSS Linux


Free operating system, almost neutral to virus attacks and no hassles for licensing issues.

Polytechnic/UG/PG computer hardware students and system administrators will greatly benefit by learning to use the Linux OS.

37Linux AWKCertificateLinux AWK is a language for processing text files. AWK is typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool. It is a standard feature of most Unix-like operating systems.
Polytechnic/UG/PG computer hardware students and system administrators can learn how to use the wide variety of AWK commands of Linux, to handle files, directories, processes etc.
38Moodle Learning Management SystemCertificate

Moodle LMS is one of the most popular LMS used globally by educational institutes.

This Moodle series is divided into 2 parts –

  • one for Moodle site administrators and
  • another for teachers.

Moodle site Administrators

  • will install Moodle on the server
  • create course categories as per institute guidelines and
  • manage courses and user accounts for multiple courses

Teachers will learn to-

  • upload and edit content for their course.
  • create assignments and quizzes to assess the students’ progress and
  • enroll students to their course and communicate with them.

Useful for system administrators, site administrators, trainers and faculty.
Not useful for students


Open source/ free CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software available for solving and analyzing problems and to create a real world fluid flow movie. Open source equivalent to FLUENT. Widely used in Academics and is gaining popularity in Industry as well- Companies including AUDI, Tata Steel, Volkswagen, and Govt. agencies like BARC (Babha Atomic Research Center).

Useful for Mechanical, Civil, Chemical Engineering students in 3rd and 4th year.
Works only on Linux


OpenModelica is an open source modelling and simulation environment intended for industrial and academic usage.It is an object oriented declarative multi domain modelling language for complex systems.

Useful for Chemical Engg students to learn how to do energy balance


Practical Extraction and Reporting Language commonly known as PERL is a high level, general purpose and dynamic programming language. PERL has been used in graphics, web and network programming etc and you can find it’s footprints in finance and bioinformatics domain, too.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students to learn programming of business applications.

42PHP & MySQLCertificate

Package for developing interactive websites and establishing back-end connectivity with a database – Famous websites using PHP include Facebook, Google, and Wikipedia.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students

43Python 3.4.3Certificate

Numerical computational software for Science and Engineering Education – used in 3D animation and Gaming industry, Artificial Intelligence, YouTube, NASA, CERN, Yahoo and so on.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students and CBSE high school students


QCAD is a free, open source application for computer aided drafting (CAD) in two dimensions (2D).

Learn to create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts or schematics and diagrams using QCAD.
Useful for UG/PG architecture students


R is the most preferred open-source language for analytics and data science. R offers a large variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, …) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students to learn statistics, big data, data science


RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems like MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft Access. PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source relational database system. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, Windows and Mac OS. It supports most SQL data types, foreign keys, joins, views, triggers and stored procedures. It has programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby etc.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students to learn industry database management


Dynamic, open source, general-purpose, interpreted, true object-oriented programming language. It is a server-side scripting language similar to Python and PERL. Large programs written in Ruby are easily maintainable. It can be easily connected to DB2, MySQL, Oracle, and Sybase.

Useful for UG/PG CSE/IT/CS students to learn industry level programming

48ScilabCertificateMathematical and scientific calculation software, open source substitute for MATLAB, very useful for all science and engineering students, in academics particularly.
49Single Board Heater SystemCertificate

A single-board heater system is a low cost, open source, lab-in-a-box setup. It consists of a heater assembly, fan, temperature sensor, ATmega16 micro-controller and associated circuitry.

The application of this device is in the Control Systems area of Engineering. All Undergraduate level experiments and most Post graduate level control experiments can be performed on the SBHS device.

50Synfig 2D animationNot for Training

2D animation software designed as a powerful industrial-strength solution for creating film-quality animation using a vector and bitmap artwork.

Useful for High School and UG/PG students who wish to learn animation.

51UCSF ChimeraCertificate

UCSF Chimera is a program for interactive visualization and analysis of molecular structures and related data. Using Chimera, one can generate high-quality images and animations.

Useful for UG/PG Chemistry students.

 Typing Software 
52KTouchTraining only, No certificatesTyping tutor – teaches how to type using an online interactive keyboard. Learn typing at your own pace. Gradually increase your typing speed and along with it, your accuracy.
53TuxTypingTraining only, No certificatesTyping application especially for children
Start typing, Practice lessons, Play a typing game, Set a language for typing
 Utility software/application 
54K3BNot for TrainingLearn to burn audio/video/data CDs/DVDs using K3B
55FilezillaNot for TrainingLearn to configure and use Filezilla, a free file transfer protocol application that’s easy to set-up and customize.
56ThunderbirdNot for TrainingLearn to configure and use Thunderbird, a free email application that’s easy to set-up and customize.
 Screen-reading software for the Visually Impaired 
57OrcaTraining only, No certificatesOrca helps a visually-impaired person to navigate and use a PC/laptop for his/her day-to-day activities on their own without aided help.

Surender Singh

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+91 22 25764229